International Quiz Bowl Tournaments, LLC was formed in 2018 by Nicole Leedy and Fred Morlan to take over hosting the National All-Star Academic Tournament. We have now expanded our production to include regular season high school sets.
Fred Morlan has been involved in quiz bowl as a player, advisor, and organizer for 25 years. He was awarded the 2017 Benjamin Cooper Academic Ambassador Award for his work in spreading quiz bowl on a national and local level. He previously served two terms as the President of the Partnership for Academic Competition Excellence, as well as in various other roles. He is a former writer and editor for various quiz bowl sets, including ACF Nationals, the PACE National Scholastic Championship, the NAQT Intercollegiate Championship Tournament, and the NAQT High School National Championship. He is a licensed pharmacist in Kentucky and a graduate of the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy.
Nicole Leedy is an infectious disease physician.
For more information, please email us here.